Did you miss this week’s video walkthrough? This week, our tutorial covered how to share your LinkedIn profile to your 1st level connections!
Sharing your LinkedIn profile to your 1st level connections allows you to directly message a single member or multiple at a time. Why would this be beneficial? This feature automatically adds your profile URL to a message. This allows you to easily grow your network, or even have your profile shared further to create an introduction for a business or career opportunity.
Follow along below, and be sure to watch the video walkthrough on how to share your LinkedIn profile!
To begin, start on your LinkedIn homepage. Click Me in the top right corner of your screen.

Next, when the dropdown appears, click View Profile.

Once you are on your profile, click the More… button which you will find underneath your headline and location.

When the drop down appears, click Share profile in a message.

A new messaging window will appear with your profile URL in the message. Type in the person or people you would like to share your profile with.

Once you have selected who you would like to send your profile link to, make sure to write a message with your link to give an intro on why you are sending it to them.

Click Send when you’re ready to send your message. That’s it. You’re done!

This feature is a great way to introduce yourself to a new connection or provide an easy way for someone to further share your profile. Expand your network by using this feature. Whether you have started a new position, or are looking for one, this feature is a great way to showcase your profile in your network.
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