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“My name is”

“Sydney and I am looking”

“to connect with you on LinkedIn”. 

Look familiar? I think we have all fallen to being victims of the “press enter to send” function on our LinkedIn messaging. It’s very common especially when we are used to hitting the enter button to move on to the next line, it can add some confusion to our messaging habits in regards to LinkedIn. In most cases, the sender does not even realize that they are sending their message in in chunks. The good news is that this is an easy fix!

The fix:

Go to your messages. Start to compose a message by typing in the recipient’s name at the top. If you look to the bottom right of your screen, you will see three horizontal dots. Click on those. 

Once you click on the dots, a separate box will pop up. LinkedIn gives you two options. First being to “Press Enter to send” and second being “Click Send”. Choose your option, which we suggest clicking the second option of “Clicking Send will send message”. This way you are in control of when you want that message to be sent. 

You’re all set! No more sending messages in chunks! A simple, yet important fix for all your messaging purposes!