When things weigh heavy on our hearts, it should call us to action. That’s what happened with me and Colleen when we found out the son of our Virtual Assistant in the Philippines was to undergo open-heart surgery. We felt compelled to do something to help their family, but weren’t sure how to help with the twelve-hour time difference between us.
We decided the quickest way to help Johanna was by raising funds through our networks. Combined, Colleen and I know over 3000 business professionals who would surely give up tomorrow’s Starbucks latte in exchange for helping a family in need. I reached out to Johanna to ask her permission and found out that, while yes Gavin has a tremendous amount of medical bills, he was already in the hospital. His surgery was not scheduled until August 10th, but when his heart started failing, they proceeded with immediate surgery. While Gavin’s surgery thankfully went well, he will remain in the ICU for at least a week as the post-surgery expenses continue to accumulate.
We have partnered with our friends at Predictable Revenue to help exceed the goal of raising $10,000 to support our friend. We hope that through our networks and through your networks we can add the additional $2,000 needed to hit this goal.
So, are you in? Will you share this blog post with your LinkedIn network? You can also share this link: Have a Heart: Medical Fundraiser.
Have a heart and use LinkedIn For Good. We appreciate your support!