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A Little at a Time

Written by Colleen McKenna | Apr 22, 2020 6:00:00 AM

Whether you contribute to your organization, top or bottom line, read on, let this post encourage you.

“Every single day I’m going to find a little bit of money, I’m going to save a little money, I’m going to generate a little bit of money.”
Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky

His words jumped out and resonated with me as I read this weekend’s Wall Street Journal. Now, it’s all relative. His “little bit” is significantly larger than mine and maybe yours. However, as it’s relative, it also makes so much sense.

I, too, can do this.
I have been.
I will continue to.
I think we all can.

Taking action is empowering.

If there was ever a time to make one more call, step out (metaphorically, of course) boldly, consider how your contribution makes a difference to another, it’s now.

I’ve heard from many of our clients who are doing this and making it happen. I’m so pleased to hear of their results; they are making a difference, and you know who you are.

To each of us, this may look different. I am in awe of every first responder, health care worker, food supplier, and retail worker. My contribution pales, however, my contribution is keeping my team employed, keeping our client’s moving ahead, teaching others, empowering others to keep their businesses going.

A little bit at a time may not feel significant, but it is, and it sure feels better than sitting still.

Take three minutes today and think about where you’re going to find a little bit of money, save a little money, and generate a little bit of money.

The key is to do this every day.

Do this for your business and yourself.