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A Goodbye to Intero

Written by Sarah Bentley | Aug 13, 2019 6:30:04 AM

A lot fell into place when I first spoke on the phone with Colleen, a month out of college with no real idea of what I wanted to do. I searched for jobs in the fashion industry, but with no real network built, and not a lot of experience, I figured that wasn’t the path I was meant to take. 

I got connected with Colleen through Liza, Colleen’s daughter and one of my best friends at Washington College. While Colleen and I initially thought she was going to help me find a job in marketing, we ended up having similarities in what we were both looking for, as an employee and an employer. It was weird how everything I was looking for she had to offer at Intero. It was about an hour into the phone call that we realized we were the perfect fit for each other, and I made plans to shadow a few days later.

My past year with Intero has brought me so much knowledge and insight, not to mention lifelong friends and mentors that have guided me and supported me through everything. From picking me up on the side of 695 when my car completely died to surprising me with my favorite donuts from Dunkin’ when celebrating a milestone, the women at Intero are some of the greatest friends and most empowering women I could ever ask to work for and alongside. 

Not only have I gained great friends, but I have had the best mentor to push and teach me along the way. Colleen from the beginning trusted me to take on the responsibility of marketing for Intero. Along the way, she would make suggestions, but ultimately, I was given the responsibility and freedom to learn tools and techniques in-depth and run with them. My expertise now ranges from developing email campaigns to creating paid ads, to editing and producing podcasts. Who would have ever thought I would know how to edit and produce a podcast at 22? Not me, that’s for sure. Looking back, I wouldn’t be half the marketing professional I am today without her guidance and advice.

Saying goodbye to Intero was one of the hardest goodbyes. This job has been the best first job I ever could have asked for. I know I will miss Intero so much, especially Fusion lunch dates and Bachelor/Bachelorette recaps the day after an episode airs. However, I am ready to take the next step in my career and hope it leads me to something great. 

To Intero, and all of my amazing colleagues and clients that I have worked with, thank you for everything. And, to Colleen, thank you for shaping me into the woman and marketing professional that I am today.